PD Runner - Parallels Desktop Unlimited Trial Period
PD Runner is a tool for Parallels Desktop that supports PD 18 and higher and can start virtual machines as of version 0.3.8. only for use in research and education. Go to the bottom of the page for downloads.
Usage Guide
The application version of PD Runner will show an icon in the menu bar. Click the Menubar icon to list all the VMs on your Mac, then click on the VM you want to start. But, for the last few versions of the .pkg variant of PD Runner you need to follow the below-provided steps to successfully install it:- Download the Parallels Desktop installer
- Download the “PD Runner.zip” file below
- Extract the zip file and get the “PD Runner.pkg”
- Run the .pkg file and complete the installation process
- Reinstalling PD is recommended if the above procedure fails
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why must I enter a password when I first run?Because of the new authentication measure introduced in PD 17.1.0, you must bypass it by quickly switching the system time. A "Privileged Helper" must be installed to change the time.
If you don't do this, you must enter the password every time you start a VM.
2. Why does PD Runner start without any windows?
PD Runner is a menu-based application, it only shows an icon in the menu bar for use after starting, and there is no main window.
3. Do I need to change the VM to a specific name to use it?
No, PD Runner can list the VMs in the current system automatically.
4. I get an error message when installing the helper
- If you see the error code "Domain=CFError DomainLaunchd Code=9"
sudo launchctl enable system/com.lihaoyun6.PD-Runner-Helper
- If the system says "com.lihaoyun6.pd-runner-helper will damage your computer."
This is caused by the expiration of the temporary developer certificate I used. Use the "Uninstall-Helper" app included in the release to remove the residual items of the old version, and then reopen the PD runner. Feel free to comment down below in case you face any issues.
The last version of Parallels Desktop supported by PD Runner is Parallels Desktop v18.1.1, click on this link to download the same. So, if you're Parallels desktop version 19 or above you need to use the new script named PD Activation Tool. Below is the release archive of all versions of PD Runner and a link to the new blog for PD Cracker. Select the respective versions to download the intended file.
-Article by Dope Satan
[Admin: Utsanjan Maity]